the blog
Published: 22-Oct-2024, by maardal
Welcome to the first ever blog post. I want to start it off with saying a bit about me.
About me
Hi, I’m maardal. I have a Bachelor in Computer Science, and I am early in my software development career. I’ll be completely honest. My career has not startd the way I wanted. I’ve been disillusioned with the industry and how much I did not enjoy the non-programming parts of job. In addition, most of the programming I’ve had to do, has been in a niche technology that I don’t think I will ever hear about again. Also, I don’t feel I have learned alot since starting working, and I want to get back into learning different things, and in the process, get closer to where I want to be in the industry. And this is the spawning thought of why I want to write this blog.
Why this blog
I want to learn again. That is the main reason. I want to learn, and I want to have a place to place this knowledge. Instead of putting this into a Notion page (Super big fan of Notion btw), I can put it here, and maybe someone other than me has a use for it. Either way, readers or not, it still has value to me :) Oh, and I’m also trying to make hand made stuff, placed in the art section.
What to expect
At first, I will mainly write about work done on this website. For example, the next post is about adding mdsvex, a markdown preprocessor, to this project. Then it is whatever I wanna do next. I’ve thought about the possibility to enforce fields in a markdowns frontmatter through linting. That might be one post. It might be big things, it might be small things. There is a chance I share work on other projects I’ve done or wanna do. For those, see my coding/software projects (those I want to share atleast).
I want to divide the content of my posts in two sections. Let’s call them:
- The How-to
- Learning and Mistakes
The How-To
A lot of tech blogs basically are how-to’s or guides. I also want mine to be that. People want to see the relevant information for solving their problems, and I will try to supply that.
Learning and Mistakes
Not sure of the name of this section, but heck it. Let’s get on with it.
Software can be a bit finicky and can have a lot of complexity or assumed knowledge. Things will often not go as smooth as the guide or how-to can give you impression of. This section will be the place where I write out what I learnt, what misconceptions I had about the technology or subject, the challenges I faced, what went wrong, etc. Basically a dumping ground for what went wrong and what I learned from it. That way I get to put into words what I did wrong, how I solved it, and maybe someone can learn from that as well. Unless it was super obvious and I a doofus, that can happen too. Hopefully I learned from it.
I’m maardal, with a Bachelor in Computer Science, currently employed. However feel I’ve stagnated and want to learn more, and want to use this blog as a vehicle for that. Can expect content connected to this website at first. Later it might branch out to other projects.
So I hope you get some help out of the posts here :)